Wednesday 30 April 2014

Trailer Update

Jumping obstacles animation to be replaced.


Posted by Mike Rodrigues de Melo.

Dan-Trailer Final Shot

Camera research - Scott

Below is a brief overview of the different ways that our trailer could have been shot using the cameras in Maya. I looked into a few different angles and movements for the plan that Taz wrote out so we could see if anything could have been done in a better or different way.

Early Trailer Example

This is an earlier version of the trailer that is being created. Drawings were used as place-holders for when gameplay is added in future. There is currently no soundtrack.
The layout of the trailer has also changed to fit the 1 minute specification.

Friday 28 March 2014

Presentation set up

A copy of the presentation is on drop box, in the Trailer Presentation folder. So you can put what work you've done on it. We'll put it all together first week back.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Sunset Overdrive Trailer Research


Ideas gathered from trailer
  • Subtle placement of team/studio name within trailer.
  • Build-up to character reveal.
  • Fast paced music, fast paced trailer.

Trailer Breakdown

Storyboard - Map, Fly through, Quotes, Ratings,

Logo - Game Name, Developer, UDK, Uni Logo.

Features - Running, Jumping, Buildings Collapsing, Dodging Enemy, Weather Changes, Unlockable Character, Stamina Bar Sprinting,

Gameplay - Time Trial, Death Traps, Ending

Music students sound plans

Parkour Video Game        (BLOG :

Audio Recording we will need :-

Character sound :-
Footsteps / Jump sml’med’hig’ / Falling / Running / Heartbeat / sprint / Slide / Dodge / Harsh Fall (ahhhhhhhh)

Brother Character At end of map. (SPEECH FOR BOTH BOY AND GIRL)

Stamina Bar Sound Activation (Bing)

Fail Noise Time 0:00

City Sound :-
Effects / Ambiance / Wind / trees swaying / Rain / Birds / wild dogs / Building Falling (Rubble Noise) (Drop back of bricks on floor)

Surfaces :-
Sound / Concrete / Ladder / Dirt / Grass

Time Zone switch :-
Between current and future time / Weather change / Music filter / Music for when time changes
(Sound grain)

medal Noise (bud-ding!)

Song for trailer :-
Orchestral emphases / with Digital influence (dubsteppy)

Tentacle :-
(monster tentacle is the fear of the game) – Music required for when the tentacle breaks out for the girl to escape   (orchestral DUN)

UDK – Unreal Development (us music tech’s will learn this software briefly to give us an insight to the game developers work flow.)

Coloured Logo Designs updated

After feedback made slight changes to logos with fonts types,size, style and the colour.

Friday 21 February 2014

Coloured Logo Designs

Using the favoured designs, I tried out a specific colours for each of the logo designs and hopeful will get feedback from the group of what they'd like the final logo design to be and add slight changes if needed.