Thursday 27 February 2014

Music students sound plans

Parkour Video Game        (BLOG :

Audio Recording we will need :-

Character sound :-
Footsteps / Jump sml’med’hig’ / Falling / Running / Heartbeat / sprint / Slide / Dodge / Harsh Fall (ahhhhhhhh)

Brother Character At end of map. (SPEECH FOR BOTH BOY AND GIRL)

Stamina Bar Sound Activation (Bing)

Fail Noise Time 0:00

City Sound :-
Effects / Ambiance / Wind / trees swaying / Rain / Birds / wild dogs / Building Falling (Rubble Noise) (Drop back of bricks on floor)

Surfaces :-
Sound / Concrete / Ladder / Dirt / Grass

Time Zone switch :-
Between current and future time / Weather change / Music filter / Music for when time changes
(Sound grain)

medal Noise (bud-ding!)

Song for trailer :-
Orchestral emphases / with Digital influence (dubsteppy)

Tentacle :-
(monster tentacle is the fear of the game) – Music required for when the tentacle breaks out for the girl to escape   (orchestral DUN)

UDK – Unreal Development (us music tech’s will learn this software briefly to give us an insight to the game developers work flow.)

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